Who Else Wants to Discover the Small Switch Mode Power Supplies
Modification Secrets That Will Skyrocket Your Income?
Repair Technicians Should Know How To Modify A Small Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) To Increase The Repair
Rate Thus Making Them Lots Of Money.
Dear Fellow
Electronic Repairers,
Let me
share with you, the small SMPS modification is very simple. What you need to do is to read the
information that I have laid out in the ebook and follow it step by step. You will be surprised how easy it
is to perform such modification. DVDs players, LCD/LED Monitors, Satellite Receivers, Set Top
Box, small size power adapters and etc
as long as they are under 80 watt and using the below power supplies topologies, they can be

Power supply consist of one Power IC, Power
FET, Power Transformer and an Optoisolator IC can be modified

supply consist of one Power IC (built in Power FET), Power Transformer and an Optoisolator IC can be
In this guide I’m showing 3 true repair cases how I have successfully modified and repaired power
supplies using the modification method. In two of the repair cases other
repair technicians considered it as beyond repair but I could repaired both.
The good news is whether
your small switch mode power supplies has 2 , 3, 4 or even 5
outputs this method of modification still can be applied.

This Ebook consist of 42
pages of solid information. This ebook is great for anyone trying to find a quick repair tip for
repairing small switch mode power supplies.
This guide is
not for beginners and if you are a beginner
and wish to start in this electronics repair field I suggest that you
check out my best seller Testing Electronic Components Ebook and Power Supply Repair Guide.
The below photos are just some of the example of
small switch mode power supplies that you can modify:

LCD Monitor Power Supply

DVD Player Power Supply

Small Power Supply Adapter
Advantages Of Small Switch Mode Power Supplies
1) When there is lightning strike on the power supplies, usually there will be some bad components.
In some cases the power side components could burn beyond recognition. If there is no schematic diagram or
same model of power supply to compare to locate the original parts value, it would be tough to repair
the power supply.

2) The power IC and power FET in power supplies come with many different types of part numbers. If
you can’t locate the parts this mean you will not be able to repair it.
3) Save cost- In some power supplies, the price of power IC and the power FET can be quite
expensive. You no longer have to keep stock for variety part numbers for power IC and power FET. This method
can truly save the cost.
4) Save time- Sometime we spent too much time in troubleshooting the power supplies. Problems like
no power, low power, too high power, power shut down, intermittent power problem and etc can be solved by
using the method in this E-guide.
5) Easy to follow- It can be done in less than 20 to 25 minutes if you follow my steps.
6) The most important thing is the parts are quite cheap and I will share with you where to
buy those modification parts online.
Having this
repair guide will help you to successfully repair more power supplies thus bringing in more profit for
You will have a big advantage over other repair technicians that do not know about this
modification secret.

Imagine being able to repair many different types of small switch mode power supplies, and
make lots of money. This is all possible when you have the knowledge in modification of the power supplies.
That’s exactly what I’m going to teach you. What is the best part? The modification job
is quite easy to follow and understand because I have included more than 40 photos to assist you and to remove your
Here’s a preview of some
pages from the Small Switch Mode Power Supplies Modification Secrets Ebook!

Real Life

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There will be no shipping and handling because it’s in the PDF file. That means you won’t have to wait in
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Dont worry!
Take up to eight weeks to examine and use the information, tips and techniques in “Small Switch Mode Power
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Product Details:
Ebook Format: PDF Files
Pages: 42 Pages
Language: English
Compatible with: PC, Laptop and Mac Computer
Price: USD34.95
I look forward to getting a letter from you and telling me about
your success on modification of the small switch mode power supplies. Even though I may receive a lot of mails,
please do write to me. I'd love to hear your success

P.S. -Don’t forget with the purchase
of my eBook you get my email support to help you with any question you may have on modification of small switch
mode power supplies base on the topologies mentioned earlier. So act now!!!.Click below to order, so you can get started on modification of small switch mode
power supplies right away!
P.P.S.-Invest In Yourself! With just one
successful repaired,(with the help of my repair guide) you
would already get back your investment! This e-book will pay itself back many many times ever!
P.P.P.S- You can solve lots of small
switch mode power supplies now because you have the secrets of how to modify it. These secrets will earn you lots of
P.P.P.P.S. Remember,
nothing will change until you take
. If you want to increase your SMPS repair rate, you've got to do something different than what you've been doing
all this time. The modification techniques in this course are the reasons why I can repair so many types of small
SMPS, and they can help you do the same.
Go ahead and grab your copy right now.
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visiting my website!

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